Picture of me

Mia Schambeck

Hi, i'm Mia. I'm studying Computational Science at the University of Regensburg. This page hosts a short CV and my lecture content.

If you're here for lecture/wiki stuff:

I also have a blog here.

About Me

Name Mia Schambeck
Pronouns she/her
Birth 1997-12-08
Hobbys Sports, Cooking, Computer stuff
Contact E-Mail


Physics Condensed matter simulation, molecular simulation & modelling
Computer Science Algorithm & data structure design
Programming Experience in scientific programming, driver development for measurement devices
Teaching Experience in teaching programming languages and physics at university level
Languages C, Go, Hare, Python, C++, Rust, Perl, Julia
Software Linux, Git, Vim, VS-Codium

Short CV

since April 2023 Research for masters thesis, University of Regensburg
December 2021 - Septermber 2023 Developer in the Lab::Measurement project
April 2021 Bachelors degree, University of Regensburg
since April 2017 Study of Physics, University of Regensburg


SoSe 2023 - WiSe 2024 Beginners course in C/C++ (teacher)
WiSe 22/23 Beginners course in C/C++ (teaching assistant)
WiSe 22/23 Beginners course in LaTeX (teaching assistant)
SoSe 2021 Experimental thermodynamics (teaching assistant)
SoSe 2020 Experimental thermodynamics (teaching assistant)

My projects

Thesis: Energy levels in molecules

The GW100 test suite is a modern benchmark set for molecular systems. It contains reference GW results for 100 molecules. Five of those selected compounds (BN, ozone, BeO, MgO, CuCN) are difficult to simulate and require tight numerical parameters. [1] Our goal is to get good results using the low-scaling GW method implemented in the CP2K open-source package. [2]

[1] Michiel J. van Setten et al.: GW100: Benchmarking G0W0 for Molecular Systems, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2015, 11, 12, 5665–5687

[2] Thomas D. Kühne et al.: CP2K: An electronic structure and molecular dynamics software package - Quickstep: Efficient and accurate electronic structure calculations, J. Chem. Phys. 152, 194103 (2020)

Additionally i do some software/web stuff in my free time.

This site uses the wonderful Catppuccin color scheme.